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Top Ten Holiday Toys
for Kids with AD/HD

Children with AD/HD are often hyperactive, distracted and have poor social skills. How does a parent know which gifts to buy that match their child's strengths and challenges?

Parents of children with AD/HD are well aware of the difficulties faced when choosing holiday gifts that match their child's interests and abilities. Many have difficulty playing quietly. Others have problems regulating their emotions and most have a difficult time sustaining their attention, video games notwithstanding.

Terry Matlen, ACSW, director of addconsults.com and the author of "Survival Tips for Women with AD/HD" suggests choosing toys parents know their child will truly like--not things parents *wish* they would enjoy.

"Emphasize their strengths by purchasing gifts that you know they can enjoy and master, but also choosing things that encourage them to improve skills; you can do that in very subtle ways."

For the child who has fine motor issues, think about art supplies or art kits. If your child has sensory issues, tactile toys may help reduce their hypersensitivities.

Children with poor social skills might benefit from interactive board games. The hyperactive child might covet action or sports toys.

All in all, match the right present with the personality and interests of your child by challenging them, yet allowing them a sense of mastery.

Terry Matlen's Top 10 Toys

1. The Original Colorforms Set. All ages.

2. SnoPals- create snow sculptures. All ages.

3. Domino Race. 4 and up.

4. The Think Ahead Game. 8-12

5. Flying Turtle Sit-down Scooter. 3-12

6. Hop Balls. 3-12

7. Climbing Giga Ball with Indoor Chamber. 4 and up

8. Lincoln Logs. 3 and up

9. Folding Trampoline. 3 and up

10. Bean Bag Toss. 3 and up

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