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Lumpy Girl Claire's Diet
The Declaration of Indigestion

When in the course of human events it becomes necessary to attend too many family picnics in one weekend, you can bet that your diet (and your stomach) is going to suffer.

I started celebrating the holiday as soon as I got weighed last week. My significant weight loss was not enough to deter me. I headed straight off to Chipotle for a burrito bol and kept forking down the food from then on. Pizza, chicken, hot dogs, potato salad, chocolate cake, potato chips, cheeseburger, french fries.

I ate a whole week of bad food in the course of a few days.

It's not like I didn't prepare for this. I knew the holiday was coming. I even made plenty of food that I'm allowed to eat so that I could stick to my diet. I ate all that too.

I was having a hungry weekend. Nothing I ate seemed like enough and everything I ate tasted like more. Identifying that it was most likely hormonally induced did nothing to stop me. I just kept eating.

I heard Skinny Girl scream once, but I pointedly ignored her. This was a Lumpy Girl weekend, all the way.

Then Tuesday rolled around and I got on the bathroom scales. Ack! I gained two pounds! And that's before the weight-gain delay. In another day that total could be up to four or more.

Now I'm paying penance for my diet sins. If I am the strictest of strict for the next few days, I still may only break even. I don't know what I was thinking when I ate all that stuff. It certainly doesn't seem worth it now, but I was loving it at the time.

My diet atonement strategy isn't helping the disposition of my tummy. High fiber on top of too much fat is a wicked combination. It's one of those times that I'm glad I don't have to share my bathroom.

It's been all salad, all week. If it wasn't green, I didn't eat it. I have so much chlorophyll in me that I think I might be experiencing photosynthesis. And every time I'm outside I start leaning towards the sun. On the plus side, I think my eyes have gotten bluer.

Now it's weigh-in day and I'm a bit nervous to step on the scales. So far the day hasn't gone too well. I was late getting to work. Then to let the world know, I set off the alarm. Then the police came before I called the security company. Nothing like starting the day doing something stupid (Er…especially when you are the one in charge. Oh, Brother!).

I guess I got my bad luck out of the way, because I managed to lose weight again this week. 1.4 pounds! Who knew converting carbon dioxide into oxygen would burn so many calories? ;-) Just so I don't start sprouting leaves!

Goals for next week:

Keep looking for fun, alternative exercise
Eat something that isn't green!


Get to the beach


Send advice and encouragement to Claire on her weight loss program.

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