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Lumpy Girl Claire's Diet
Outward Appearances

Wow! Was that really me?

I just looked at the picture that we posted at the beginning of this diet and I realized that I don't look like that anymore! Somewhere amidst all this struggling with Twinkie cakes and alien body parts I've managed to change my appearance. And for the better! (Always a plus!)

When did that happen?

I do see the Skinny Girl more often when I look in the mirror. The transformation has been gradual though, so I hadn't noticed just how much I had changed. I'm glad we took that "before" photo or I wouldn't appreciate where I am near as much.

It couldn't have come at a better time. I'm right in the middle of crap salad week and I needed some encouragement to get me through. I overindulged over the weekend and have to be extra good now, so it's back to eating that green stuff again.

Normally I like vegetables but I'm getting tired of eating them all the time. Pretty soon I'm going to have to start dipping them in chocolate or I won't be able to choke them down. How do you fancy candy-coated broccoli would taste? Maybe not a good combination.

I'm pretty sure this new silhouette is for real, not some hoax perpetrated by my already suspect bedroom mirror. I have been seeing it in other reflective surfaces as well: storefront windows, glass doors, shiny metal objects…

As a matter of fact, I can't take my eyes off myself. At work there is often a line waiting to use the staff restroom because I'm locked inside ogling myself in the mirror. I find myself most fascinating!

I'm even contemplating buying a bikini top so that I can start tanning my belly. That might be a bit premature, but I've been seriously considering it. Maybe if I only wore it in my own backyard. While the neighbors are on vacation.

All my old "skinny" clothes are fitting. Some I'm very excited to be getting back into. Some I'm wondering why I wore in the first place, and why I bothered to keep them. It's been fun to try them on again. Some are even too big!

Of course "skinny" is a relative term. I still have 30 pounds to lose so these will at some point become my "fat" clothes. Amazing!

I don't think I'll be getting too much smaller, though. I have a broad frame and large muscles. My shoulders alone prevent me from going to too small a size.

And the thighs. Ah, the thighs. It doesn't matter how big or small the rest of me happens to be, my thighs are always bigger than they should be. I was born with pudgy thighs and there's no chance of getting rid of them.

I'm kind of used to them now. I wouldn't know how to be a skinny-legged girl. Wouldn't babies and cats just keep falling through when you tried to hold them in your lap?

Anyway, I'm happy with the way I'm looking and although I'm still anxious for the weight loss, I'm content to have the body change and let the rest come in its time.

Big news…I have lost a total of 15 pounds!!! That's a big milestone for me. I still have a way to go but I'll get there! I'm determined.

And I look good!!

New goal:

Start working on the next 5 pounds.


Go to the Irish Cultural Festival in Berea to see Seven Nations, my favorite Celtic Rock band.


Send advice and encouragement to Claire on her weight loss program.

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