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Yoga Gives Busy Mothers Workout Choices

Today as a mother with young children, squeezing in a workout is virtually impossible. Our focus becomes the care of our children. Little time is left for a workout.

Carolyn Hardman is the creator of "Yoga For Your Moods" DVD and an expert yoga practitioner who wants mothers to be aware of yoga as a versatile form of exercise that allows you to workout around a busy schedule.

Carolyn, the mother of two boys, four years and six months old says, "My love of yoga did not end with pregnancy or with having young toddlers around."

Carolyn graduated from Brigham Young University in Health Science, and an early discovery of yoga led her to training with top instructors and the opportunity to eventually develop her own pregnancy yoga studio for expecting mothers.

As a mother, health professional, and yoga expert; she has found ways to work in quick workout moves during a hectic schedule; like the 25 minutes while the kids are down for a nap, or making your workout time their play time with mom.

Here are some health tips and yoga moves Carolyn has developed that are effective for mothers to incorporate into their daily routines.

1. Keep Moving.

The easiest way to burn more calories is to keep moving. Walk up and down the stairs a few more times or take an extra lap around the grocery store while shopping.

2. Squats.

An exercise that works a lot of our common "problem areas" as a woman is squats. While your talking on the phone or taking a shower hold the squatting position for 30 seconds each time or get even more resistance by holding your child while doing them.

3. Boat Pose.

It's not always easy to get crunches in, but a fun pose to do with your children is the boat pose. Take a minute to play on the floor with them, while you're there, roll over on your back.

Raise your legs straight out at a 45 degree angle, then reach your hands to touch your calves bringing your upper body up to form a 'V'. Hold two boat poses for 45 seconds each. These are great strengthening poses for your abdominals and quads.

4. Plank.

Don't want to give up that time with your baby? Place your baby on their back while doing plank poses over them. The plank pose is the basic form when arms are outstretched in the pushup position; hold this pose for 30 seconds.

It is easy to move into pushups from the plank and kiss your little one each time you do. Plank is a great posture for toning your arms, back, and stomach and is a lot more fun with a smiling baby cooing at you.

5. Stretch.

Motherhood is tiring! One of the best ways we can invigorate our bodies and create energy is by stretching. Take some time every day to sit in a straddle or butterfly pose to release tension and exhaustion in your muscles from your long day of working and running errands.

If you're a mother trying to get back into shape after having a baby or just looking to the upcoming swimsuit season, yoga and moves such as these are a great way to get started.

Carolyn's expertise on the "Yoga For Your Moods" DVD will put you on the path to fitness and help reduce the stresses that come with being a mother.

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