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Lumpy Girl's Diet - Week 3
Wait Loss

Weight loss is an agonizingly slow process. You can diet and exercise for a full week and still only lose a couple pounds-if your body is cooperating.

This week my body did not cooperate and I only lost 0.6 pounds. Seems unfair somehow. I know I can gain weight faster than that. Maybe you have to lose the weight slow enough to give your skin time to adjust.

I read that if you eat an extra 100 calories a day for a year, you will gain 10 pounds. Makes you wonder why all the diet snacks are 100 calories, doesn't it? I guess I was eating an extra 200 calories per day, since I gained 20 pounds in one year. All I can tell you is that those Chips Ahoy Thin Crisps 100 calorie packs were very yummy.

Doesn't it seem like you lose the weight first, where you put it on last?

I tend to carry most of my weight in my butt and thighs - you saw my photo. This has been the trend since about 7th grade. When I would gain weight, it would go there first. Then evidently, I hit maximum butt capacity and the weight started creeping up higher.

I started packing on the inches around the middle and, worse yet, I got back fat. Back fat is the worst. One day you are looking in the mirror and you realize that all your former smooth curves have turned into more of a scalloped edge.

At first you think it's because your bra is too tight. Then the awful truth is revealed when you take off the bra and the scallops are still there. You have become the Michelin man.

I am happy to say that-last on, first off-my back fat has started to disappear. It's a good thing, too, because it's not jacket weather anymore so there's no good way to cover that up. Lumpy girl is a little less lumpy.

Next to go should be those pesky extra inches around my waist. I'm looking forward to losing them so I can get started on my over exceeded butt capacity. Plus there are all sorts of health risks associated with extra fat in the belly region that I will be able to diminish as well. Looking good isn't my only objective here.

I should probably take all my measurements so that I can see what progress I'm making, but I'm not sure I want to see the starting numbers. It's frightening enough just to see what I weigh.

I'll know I'm making progress when my clothes are too big and I need to buy a smaller size. Not that I wasn't at the mall trying on smaller clothes already.

The fact that my current sizes still fit didn't stop me from trying, and I'm pretty sure I'll be trying again this next week. Eventually, it's going to happen.

I haven't been this committed to a diet in a long time. It feels good to be in control of my eating instead of the other way around. It does add to my frustration, however that I did everything I was supposed to but my weight loss was minimal.

I've got to keep positive though, and keep at it. I'm going to review my week and see where I might have made some mistakes.

Maybe my portion sizes are off.

Maybe I'm eating too much of the stuff I'm allowed to eat.

Maybe it was just an off week.

Maybe the lady behind me in line stuck her toe on the scale. Hey, it could happen!

Week 3 Goals:

Find a way to exercise even when it's too hot to walk outside.

Pick a day and prepare some foods to have on hand for the rest of the week.

Check portion sizes!


Send advice and encouragement to Claire on her weight loss program.

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