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What Recession?
Run Your Life With Optimism and Strength in The Face of Today's Economy
by Coach Joelle

Hello Cleveland Women!

Many people are feeling pretty scared these days, and it has nothing to do with Halloween. We are in the midst of some interesting times and I feel I would be remiss if I did not take a moment to share my thoughts on a key issue that is facing the people of this great country. Specifically, today I would like to share some thoughts on the economy from one coach's perspective.

This email was sent to me from one the participants in the Make Your Life Program who shared sentiments that I am sure are familiar to many of you. She asked…

"Any tips for those of us who are living in "Fear Central" with this whole economic situation? I am finding that I am working full-time to protect my mind from the gloom-doom mindset that so many people are talking - and I am succeeding some of the time, but not all of the time. Would love your suggestions."

So here is my response to this dear "life-maker" regarding the current state of the economy.

I have often found myself wondering, over the previous weeks, "if no one had television or access to radio, how many of us would be aware of the economic downturn we are experiencing?" And even more importantly, I wonder how much of what is happening is being caused real-time by people reacting to the idea that we are in an economic down-turn/ recession/depression etc.

Personally, I am not experiencing an economic downturn and I have no intention of experiencing one. This is not arrogance, this is just my intention and I take steps everyday to secure my future with the full expectation that this intention be fulfilled.

Oh sure, my net worth is about half of what it was a month ago but I know that, by the time that I need to retire, all my happy little stocks and funds will have reached new heights, so whatever they are doing right now is really none of my concern.

So, I ask you - if you forgot about the news and you just looked at your life, what evidence would you have that there is a problem right now?

For those of you that see none, bravo!! Count your blessings and look to the future. For you the next question is, what do you need to think and what action do you need to take to continue on the path to creating the life that you want?

For those of you who are seeing the signs ie. you are living off your investments that have just lost 40% of their value, you have just had your house foreclosed upon, or you work for a bank, in real estate or maybe for a mortgage company, then now, more than ever, is the time to guard your thoughts and look for solutions instead of focusing on the problems.

Dealing With What Is

The economy is what the economy is. What I mean by this is, the economy is doing what it is doing and there is not much you or I can do about that.

However, if you are open to seeing what is happening not as "good" or "bad", not as "disastrous" but instead approach it with interest and inquisitiveness, then you will likely see that even inside of this particular set of circumstances there is opportunity, hope and the possibility for a bright future.

Whatever your situation at this particular moment in history - I invite you to answer these questions:

  1. What do you want?
  2. What way of thinking will best support what you want?
  3. What way of "being" (being excited, optimistic or hopeful or being frustrated, resentful and upset) is going to give you the most joy in your day and the most power in creating your future?
  4. What action can you take right now to create the future that you want?

If you are willing to ask these questions and be open to their answers, there is a bold new future available.

As an example: I have a client that is in the investment business.And not just any investments; he cannot take a client with less than $1,000,000 to invest. It would be easy for him to throw in the towel and close the doors until brighter times.

But in our last conversation I asked my client to think about who needs him right now, even with everything that is going on. He was able to quickly list a variety of situations where people could not only use someone of his caliber working on their team, but who might be actively seeking someone just like him at this very moment!

He made his list and then we went to work looking at where he could find these people. He left the call with a clear objective, feeling empowered and with inspired action to take. I fully anticipate hearing the stories about how he created the best earning months of his career during some of the hardest times in recent history.

As another example: I have a friend in Arizona who is a hairdresser. She just told me that she ended up on the wrong side of the real estate downturn and her house is now worth less than she paid for it. She is in the process of selling it at a loss. This could be the end of a tragic story if it were not for her forward thinking and optimism.

Instead, she spoke with me from a place of hope and excitement as she told me how she has already found someone who is going to Australia for 2 years and needed a house sitter. For a meager rent she will be moving in, taking care of a beautiful house, watching over their cars and rebuilding her finances as she prepares for whatever is next on her personal life adventure.

How To Triumph In the Face of Uncertainty!

I propose that with an empowered point of view and intentional action we can triumph over these uncommon times.

For those of you who might feel justified in being upset or sliding into a feeling of hopelessness, while I understand how this is a normal response, I maintain that it will not help you deal with your current reality in any way. In fact, it will only make things worse. I will use something I call the SEE BE DO GET model to illustrate how unhelpful a doomsday mentality is when it comes to dealing with our current economy.

If your point of view (SEE) is that - "All is lost and there are no jobs, no business and no hope….."

You are likely to BE… sad, depressed, anxious, angry (insert your favorite doom and gloom emotion here__________.)

Then you will DO whatever is natural from this depressed, anxious, angry place, and my guess is that it will not be the most powerful and inspired action you could take to accomplish what you want.

Finally, you will GET to experience a self-fulfilling prophesy, the total affirmation that life is not going to work out and your dreams of the future are going to H - E - double hockey sticks in a hand-basket (where the heck did that expression ever come from anyway?)

So, clearly, focusing on the problems will not get you anywhere or, at least, not anywhere good.

Now I am not saying ignore what is going on. It is totally valid to take a look at your own reality and ask yourself…

  • "What would responsible action look like?"
  • Are you living within your means?
  • Are you honoring the money you have?
  • Do you know what it takes to sustain your current lifestyle?

Knowing the facts can be a powerful starting point for dealing with what is so, alleviating anxiety and just taking the action that is necessary. Once you know where you stand then, with your positive mindset in hand, you can create a plan to get you from where you are to where you want to be.

The Coach's Advice for Weathering Our Current Economic Situation

  1. Get in touch with the "facts" or the current reality of your financial situation and the real implications of the current economy on your life.
  2. Get clear on the future you want to create.
  3. Identify the most empowering and optimistic mindset that will support you in taking action.
  4. Take action to bridge the gap between your current reality and what you would like in your life. Take action from your positive and empowered point of view and do not regard the doomsday predictions, the news or anyone else who is going to tell you "all is lost."

The life you want is available if you believe it! If you focus on what you want, if you believe in the power of your dreams and your own ability to create your life, if you take inspired action, today can be a day of great beginnings and the future can be very bright.

Believe it and you will see it.

With love and optimism,

Coach Joelle

Get more Coach Joelle at www.coachjoelle.com.

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