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For Fitness Sake:
On Track for 2008!
by Chris King

Whether or not you are already exercising, you will probably be setting some fitness goals (not resolutions, because we so seldom follow them) for the New Year.

In this article, I am going to address how to get on a fitness, success-producing track. I will discuss how-tos, safety factors, and common misconceptions.

Just remember the five word formula for a fit and healthy body: Eat Less and Exercise More.

Not only will you feel great, you will look great. But, also remember that it takes time and tenacity. I see more people drop out, because they don't experience results fast enough.

An effective program is well-balanced and includes cardiovascular exercise, muscular conditioning and flexibility exercises (lots of stretching). To begin with start with a light regime and gradually build up to a total of at least 30 minutes of activity on most, preferably all, days of the week.

So, let's get started:

  • Pick the location, type of activity and the person/people involved. If you join a facility, make sure it is in a convenient location. Do you prefer to work out on your own? Be sure to have a trainer or someone show you how to use the machines and weights properly.

    I am a group oriented person, so I have always preferred the energy of class participation. Make sure that the person you rely upon for instruction is certified by an accredited professional organization.

  • Be sure that you perform the exercises and work on the machines you like the best. If you are having fun exercising, you will be more likely to stick with it.
  • Remember, however, that you need both cardiovascular and resistance (strengthening) activity. For the cardiovascular, you do not need to be jumping around. You just need to get your heart rate up and pumping.

    For the resistance, weights should be within reason (personally, I prefer portable weights, bands and tubing over the machines).

  • Challenge yourself to work at an intensity that you can handle, but will not "wear you out." Do not feel that you need to "keep up" with others. As I mentioned previously, it will work better for you and your body if you build up your level of activity gradually.

Coming Next from Chris King:

Safety Tips that will last a lifetime

and Some common exercise misconceptions

Chris King of Creative Keys is a Group Exercise Instructor, Certified by the American Council on Exercise (A.C.E.). She holds what she calls a Portfolio Career (many different careers at the same time). To find out more about her, visit http://www.creativekeys.net.

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